The past two months have been a whirlwind and I don’t even know where to start…
Some good and some bad that turned somewhat ok.
Went to Spain for work one week and decided to stay the weekend so I hopped on a train to Seville (my favorite city other than Paris so far) to visit my precious little frenchman, my Dad and spent a wonderful weekend visiting with him and also shop in a Costco…. I miss my Costco so much!!!

Was a lovely trip and came back home feeling refreshed.
March was a pretty quiet month, started dating someone and just recently called it off… On different pages and completely different outlook on life and the future which is ok. Hes a fantastic person, just not for me. Im fairly quiet about who I date because until I know its going somewhere concrete, I keep it for myself. Im very careful about who I date and who I let into my life and who the person I share with my family and friends should be in for the long haul.
April started off pretty rough with a family emergency in Canada so on April Fools (sorry, Im going to be very vague), I flew to Ottawa and spent numerous hours for the next 10 days in the ICU and then regular ward at a hospital, spending time with my brothers who came in from other cities as well and hoping things would get better which they did however the road to recovery will be long. Just made me realize how important family is and never take things (especially life) for granted.
I flew back to Paris to find that spring had sprung and the sun was shining almost every day. Almost like mother nature knew I needed a bit of sunshine. Being away from family & friends is getting to be harder and harder…
Yesterday after an annual check up with a Canadian doctor (DR SALZMAN FOR THE WIN!!!), I took a walk home for a change of scenery, walked past Les Invalides to Le Grand Palais and realized just how special this city is…
I walked through my door with a huge smile on my face. ♥
Tonight I plan on walking around some more since they’re annoucing rain all weekend.
Filed under: Spain