Texts, facetime, skype, snail mail, email… All means of communication in 2015.
It’s nothing new and something I knew well before moving to Paris, that relationships with family and friends would be hard to maintain. Time change, different schedules, it’s hard!
I relish the facetimes with my niece, nephews and brothers, calls with my mum and Dad are appreciated, and texts and emails with friends are always fun.
Here’s 10 texts that prove that I live far from friends and family :
1 – Always trying to set up a facetime date with family… and failing 95% of the time.
2 – You make one great friend when you moved here (because lets face it, making true friends at 30 is HARD!!)… She then moves away and sends you this… and you miss her (and Costco) that much more!
3 – Setting up Wine Oclock facetime with your BFF.
Try it out sometime!
4 – When your older brother wants to facetime and you’re traveling.
5 – Giving guy advice… even from 3000 miles away.
6 – Spending two days visiting Paris with your high school BFF, seeing each other for the first time in SO long, realizing that we have amazing memories together and you miss her more than you thought….
Only logical to set up a future trip with her.
I’m seriously crossing fingers I can find a milk cart!
7 – Yep. Still trying.
8 – Reminiscing about that time you flew back home for a visit and your brother thinks it’s fun to have you help him empty his liquor cabinet.
Just you and him.
Haven’t drank hard liquor since. And purposely not getting married due to that video evidence.
9 – You’re constantly trying to find cheap flights to visit a friend or get a visit.
10 – When your friend lands in Paris and you let her lovely sister know she thankfully hasn’t been ”Taken” from the airport.
Happy Sunday everyone!
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